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Prom Themes: Yes or No?

6 Jan

Studio 450 boasts a wonderful view of the Hudson River. Go CHIC - candle light and tastefully selected linen are key.

Here at The Prom Company we’ve seen every Prom theme imaginable.  Some of them are good, but mostly the original idea never seems to be executed well enough.  Our advice to the question of Prom Themes:  Yes or Know?  Definitely, 100% NO.  Let us explain why…

In New York City we have some of the most unusual venues to choose from for Prom Night.  After the Prom committee takes considerable time weighing the options and selects a venue, why not showcase the venue?  Covering up the beauty of a ballroom or loft with paper and plastic decorations is not a good idea.  Some of our favorite venues in New York City have enough character in their own right to be a beautiful canvas for a rainbow of dresses on Prom Night.

Our advice:  when planning the Prom, keep it simple.  Select a vibrant color linen and perhaps a complimentary color linen napkin to bring life into the room.  Additionally, candle light always adds ambiance.  Simplicity in decor is always the most sophisticated option when working within a budget.

Best wishes for a beautiful Prom!